Anna M. Rappaport

Anna M. Rappaport True
Anna M. Rappaport

Anna M. Rappaport

Anna Rappaport is an internationally recognized expert on the impact of change on retirement systems and workforce issues. Following a 28-year career with Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Rappaport established her own firm in 2005, specializing in strategies for better retirement systems. Prior to working with Mercer, she spent 18 years in the life insurance industry.

Rappaport has helped many organizations develop strategies for retirement benefits. She has written extensively on these issues for the Society of Actuaries and various academic and research organizations. She is passionate about improving the retirement system, women’s retirement issues, and improving job options for older workers.  In her organizational participation, writing, and speaking, she brings forward important issues to ensure that decision makers can act on the best available information, strongly driven by facts and thorough analysis.

Rappaport has been a leader in the planning and management of several major research projects by the actuarial profession focused on enhancing retirement security in the United States. Rappaport was a member of the 2003 Technical Panel of the Social Security Advisory Board. She served on the Department of Labor’s ERISA Advisory Council from 2010–2012.  She is a frequent speaker and contributor to business and trade publications and is the co-editor of three books on various retirement issues.

Rappaport has won numerous awards including in 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Plan Sponsor Council of America and the 2018 Lilywhite Award from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).

Rappaport is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and served as President from 1997 to 1998. She is a member of the American Academy of Actuaries. She serves on the Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER) and the Advisory Board of the Pension Research Council. She holds an MBA in from the University of Chicago.