Chris McNeilly

Chris McNeilly

Vice President, Data Science
Chegg Inc.

Chris McNeilly is an AI and ML technology executive with over 35 years of professional experience in a broad spectrum of industries and company sizes to deliver business value. As a technology leader, Mr. McNeilly excels at recognizing research advances and applying them to solve current business challenges. Mr. McNeilly has survived previous disruptions, including the personal computer, the Internet, and smartphones, and is ready for the next disruption, Generative AI.

As the Vice President of Data Science at Chegg, Mr. McNeilly has been driving the adoption of ML and Generative AI solutions throughout Chegg since 2016. Projects have included course and topic tagging, predicting skill and career progressions from resumes, and matching homework questions to the subject matter experts capable of answering them. Mr. McNeilly has been incorporating LLM’s and Generative AI solutions at Chegg since the launch of GPT 2, which was included in Chegg’s Writing Tools solution.

Before joining Chegg, Mr. McNeilly held technical leadership positions in multiple startups as well as technical lead positions utilizing NLP and in companies as diverse as online publishing (Thomson Reuters, LexisNexis, SmartBrief), e-commerce (eBay, Motista, Simplexity) and defense contracting (Sterling Software). The common thread throughout has been Mr. McNeilly’s ability to apply advanced machine learning and data science techniques to solve the industry’s most pressing problems at scale.

Mr. McNeilly has completed an MS in Computational Linguistics from Carnegie Mellon University. He has a BS in Systems Analysis from Miami University.