Christine Janssen, PhD

Senior Fellow, Human Capital The Conference Board

Christine Janssen, PhD True
Christine Janssen, PhD

Christine Janssen, PhD

Senior Fellow, Human Capital
The Conference Board

Christine Janssen, PhD, is a Senior Fellow in the Human Capital Center of The Conference Board. She joined The Conference Board in 2022 and brings her expertise of immersive technologies and immersive learning to the Learning & Development Institute. She is eager to share her knowledge with Members as we adapt our organizations to the forthcoming metaverse and Web 3.0 as it pertains to workplace learning and professional development.

Dr. Janssen is the founder and CEO of Edstutia, a 21st-century learning platform in virtual reality, positioned at the intersection of business and technology. Edstutia's expertise lies in content creation and delivery for immersive learning simulations/experiences that leverage emerging technologies.

Prior to Edstutia, Janssen was Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Entrepreneurship for 12 years at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University. She holds a BS in marketing from the University of South Florida, a Global MBA with a double major in communications & information systems and finance with a specialization in e-business from Fordham University, and a PhD in business education from New York University, where her research focused on how entrepreneurs learn.