Donaldberg Nordberg

Donaldberg Nordberg True
Donaldberg Nordberg

Donaldberg Nordberg

Dr. Donald Nordberg is in his third career, this time as Associate Professor of Corporate Governance at Bournemouth University, chairman of a major social-care charity, and a director of a large arts charity in the UK. He was for many years a correspondent and editorial executive at Reuters. He then became a consultant and executive, advising European companies on strategy and investor relations. Among other roles, he served as Senior Adviser to The Conference Board Europe.

His academic research has been published in Corporate Governance: An International Review, Business History, European Management Journal, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, Leadership and other journals. His book Corporate Governance: Principles & Issues was published in 2011 by Sage.

A native of Chicago, he has lived in Germany, Switzerland, the UK and the US, and worked on assignment in more than 30 other countries. He has studied at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and in England at Warwick Business School and the University of Liverpool Management School.

Publications by Donaldberg Nordberg
