Mark McLaughlin

President McLaughlin Strategy

Mark McLaughlin True
Mark McLaughlin

Mark McLaughlin

McLaughlin Strategy

In the digital era, brands have become ROI optimized machines but they have been stunned painfully when their brand equities erode. McLaughlin Strategy helps marketers balance ROI tactics with brand preference investments in order to maximize profitable growth and reduce the risk of share erosion.

In 2015 and 2016, unprecedented media agency reviews by dozens of major marketers revealed bad business practices and the need for marketers to take more responsibility for their brand research and strategic plans. McLaughlin Strategy helps marketing and finance executives work together to define, measure and optimize brand investments.

Mark McLaughlin understands advertising value from the point-of-view of the stakeholder and their customers. He has two decades experience in media, advertising and digital strategies. Working with dozens of Fortune 500 companies in every major field from politics to packaged goods, Mark is recognized for treating advertising as an investment in brand equity and sales returns.

Mark’s career developed at ad agencies where he was one of the first senior agency executives to re-think strategy in the context of digitally empowered consumers. This led to roles as a founder of the first company to focus on “rich media” and to positions as the top executive running digital agencies. Before starting his own consultancy, Mark worked at Yahoo! from 2004 to 2008 positioning the company as a strategic partner for ad agencies and the 100 Leading National Advertisers.

Publications by Mark McLaughlin
