Nathan Ainspan

Nathan Ainspan

Senior Research Psychologist on Veterans Transition and Disability Employment, Military-Civilian Transition Office
Department of Defense

Nathan D. Ainspan, Ph.D., has conducted research, written, and spoken extensively about military-civilian transitions and veterans civilian employment. He is currently the Senior Research Psychologist with the Military-Civilian Transition Office (MCTO) at the Department of Defense.

His research has focused on improving civilian employment opportunities for returning service members and the psychosocial benefits that employment provides to wounded warriors and injured veterans. He has also authored and edited dozens of publications including the books including Military Veteran Employment: A Guide for the Data-Driven Leader (with Kristin Saboe, Oxford University Press, 2021); The Handbook of Psychosocial Interventions for Veterans and Service Members: A Guide for the Non-Military Mental Health Clinician (with Craig J. Bryan and Walter E. Penk, Oxford, 2016), When the Warrior Returns: Making the Transition at Home (with Walter E. Penk; Naval Institute Presse 2012) and Returning Wars Wounded, Injured, and Ill:  A Handbook (with Walter E. Penk; Praeger, 2008). Dr. Ainspan is a member of the American Psychological Association and a Fellow of Division 18 (Psychologists in Public Service), Division 19 (Military Psychology), and Division 14 (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology). 

He is also the recipient of the Government Executive Theodore Roosevelt Defender Government Leadership Award for distinguished achievement in national security, homeland security and international affair; the Society for Military Psychology’s Charles S. Gersoni Military Psychology Award for excellence in the advancement of the profession of military psychology, outstanding work on improving effectiveness of military psychology systems, and remarkable service on behalf of the welfare of military personnel; DoD’s Spirit of Service Award for his outstanding performance and demonstrating honor, integrity, and excellence; the Psychologists in Public Service Award from the Psychologists in Public Service division for his contributions to public service of underserved populations; and the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s Raymond A. Katzell Award for work that addresses social issues and to positively impact individuals, organizations, and society.

Dr. Ainspan received his Bachelor’s degree from Wesleyan University and his Masters and Doctoral degrees from Cornell University’s School of Labor Relations.

Publications by Nathan Ainspan
