Philip Forve

Program Director, Quality Control Council The Conference Board

Philip Forve True
Philip Forve

Philip Forve

Program Director, Quality Control Council
The Conference Board

Philip Forve is the Council Program Director for the Quality Council. Phil retired from Cargill as AVP Business Excellence and Shareholder Relations Director in 2015 with 41 years’ leadership experience in operations, quality, safety, strategy, and systematic performance improvement. He was an active member of TCB councils during the last 15 years of his career and he served as The Conference Board’s Business Performance Council co-chair.

During his Cargill career, Phil served as the executive lead for Cargill Business Excellence, Operations Director for a Cargill Business Unit, and served externally on the Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award as a Senior Examiner. Phil has an extensive background in group learning as a leader and facilitator within Cargill and externally. These learning activities include numerous performance assessments and recommendations from plant/facility site visits around the globe. He has toured and evaluated production facilities on six continents and has an extensive background in quality leadership as an instructor, coach and leader.

Prior to joining Cargill, Phil obtained his undergraduate degree in International Economics from the University of California at Davis.