Ronnie Mae Weiss, MSW

Ronnie Mae Weiss, MSW

Associate Director, BroadLife
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Ronnie Mae Weiss is the Associate Director of the Broad Institute’s BroadLife department and a pioneering leader in worklife and wellbeing, with 20+ years’ experience designing, launching and scaling innovative, impactful employee benefits programs for multi-national corporations, start-ups & universities. Prior to her time at Broad, Ronnie Mae served as senior manager of the MIT Center for WorkLife and Wellbeing, director of talent management and worklife specialist at Harvard University, and director of innovation and new product development for Work/Family Directions. Ronnie Mae spearheaded the establishment of MIT’s Employee Assistance Program, which achieved the highest utilization of any higher education institution. As a champion of worklife integration, Ronnie Mae has launched a broad range of programs and services to address holistic employee needs including: social-emotional well-being, financial well-being, physical well-being, and parenting.