Abdul Erumban

Senior Research Fellow The Conference Board Assistant Professor, Economics University of Groningen

Abdul Erumban True
Abdul Erumban

Abdul Erumban

Senior Research Fellow, The Conference Board
Assistant Professor, Economics, University of Groningen

Abdul Erumban is an assistant professor at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands and a senior research fellow at The Conference Board. His research centers on the fields of productivity, technological change, structural change, digital transformation, and its impact, globalization, global value chain, international comparisons of economic development, and economic growth and development in India.

Abdul has considerable experience in macroeconomic forecasting and analysis, with a particular interest in emerging markets.

Publications by Abdul Erumban





Journal Articles
  • with M.P. Timmer (2012), "The Dark Side of Creative Destruction: Innovation and Retirement of Capital", Industrial and Corporate Change, 21(5), 1149-1174
  • with G. de Vries, M. P. Timmer, I. Voskoboynikov and H. Wu (2012), "Deconstructing the BRICs: Structural Transformation and Aggregate Productivity Growth", Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 40, Issue 2, May 2012, Pages 211–227
  • (2009), Productivity and Unit Labor Cost in Indian Manufacturing: A Comparative Perspective, Economic and Political Weekly, 44 (15), 39-48.
  • (2008), Rental Prices, Rates of Return, Capital Aggregation and Productivity: Evidence from EU and US, CESifo Economic Studies, Oxford Journals, issue 3.
  • (2008), Lifetimes of Machinery and Equipment: Evidence from Dutch Manufacturing, Review of Income and Wealth, 54(2), June
  • with S. de Jong (2006), Cross Country differences in ICT adoption: A consequence of culture? Journal of World Business, 41(4) December, p 302-314
  • (2005), Economic Reforms and Industrial Performance: An analysis of Capacity Utilization in Indian Manufacturing, 4(2), Indian Journal of Economics and Business
  • (2001), Utilisation of Optimal Capacity in Indian manufacturing, 1974-96, Applied Economics Letters, vol. 8, September, p. 623-28
Books or contributions to books
  • with B. van Ark and A. Gupta (2011), Measuring the Contribution of ICT to Economic Growth in Bart van Ark (2011), The Linked World: How ICT Is Transforming Societies, Cultures, and Economies, Madrid, Ariel and Fundación Telefónica.
  • with B. Van Ark, V. Chen, and U. Kumar (2010), The Cost Competitiveness of Manufacturing in China and India: An Industry and Regional Perspective, in Eichengreen, B., P. Gupta and R. Kumar, ed. Emerging Giants: China and India in the World Economy, Oxford University Press, UK
  • (2005), Domestic Capacity Utilisation and Import of Capital Goods: Substitutes or Complementary? Evidence From Indian Capital Goods Sector , in Tendulkar, Mitra, Narayanan and Das (eds), India: Industrialisation in a Reforming Economy- Essays for K.L Krishna, New Delhi, Academic Foundation.
Working papers/Other publications
  • with M. P. Timmer, B. Los, G. J. de Vries and R. Stehrer (2013), "Slicing Up Global Value Chains", mimeo, University of Groningen
  • with J. Pieters, and A.I Moreno-Monroy (2012), "Outsourcing and the Size and Composition of the Informal Sector: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing", mimeo, University of Groningen
  • with M. P. Timmer, B. Los, G. J. de Vries and R. Stehrer (2012), New measures of European Competitiveness: A Global Value Chain Perspective, Working paper 9, WIOD
  • with F.R. Gouma, B. Los, R. Stehrer, U. Temurshoev, M.P. Timmer and G.J. de Vries (2011), "World Input-Output Database: Construction, Challenges, and Applications", mimeo, University of Groningen
  • with S. M. Dougherty, R. Herd and T. Chalaux (2008), India’s growth pattern and obstacles to higher growth, OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 623
  • with K.K Subrahmanian (2000), Industrial Growth in Kerala: Trends and Explanations, CDS Working paper No. 310, November, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum