Adrienne Prentice

Adrienne Prentice

Co-founder and CEO
Keep Company

Adrienne Prentice is the co-founder and CEO of Keep Company, selected by Techstars and Pivotal Ventures, a Melinda French Gates’ company, as one of the top ten companies innovating in the care economy. After a successful career as a technology attorney, including at Cooley and Pillsbury, Adrienne then built a global team of attorneys at Hewlett Packard. While at HP, Adrienne experienced firsthand the unique challenges of being a working parent and the power of coaching. She then shifted her career to talent management becoming a leadership coach specifically for working parents and caregivers. After supporting countless clients battling loneliness and self-sacrifice, Adrienne leveraged her personal and professional experience to build a scalable solution that not only supports parents & caregivers, but positively influences the systems they live in. Adrienne holds a BS from Cornell University’s School of Industrial & Labor Relations and a JD from American University. While not working, she devours non-fiction and keeps company with her husband, two children and silver lab in Bethesda, Maryland.