April Watkins

April Watkins

Senior Consultant

After a long and successful career culminating in C-Suite Executive, April departed Corporate America to focus on bringing her expertise in driving Transformational Mindset Intervention (TMI) to the masses. She works with companies, executives, professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and those seeking self-help to embrace, conceive, engage, and thrive in their visions, strategies, and relationships.

April has a diverse background in Human Resources, Engineering, Operations Improvement, Strategy & Leadership, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Global Large-Scale Transformation, Organizational Effectiveness & Agility, Executive & Leadership Coaching, Talent Management, Real Estate, Facilities, Training and Voice Over. She has vast industry and work experience advising all persons and institutions that face or want change. Her client and corporate rosters include Fortune 100 and 500 corporations, Private Equity Portfolio companies, niche consulting firms, start-ups, and inventors. Further, she has coached numerous executives, senior/middle management, aspiring leaders, and students in their quest to develop themselves and become more effective.

April speaks with energy and command with a conversational voice and takes listeners through a range of imagery and emotion in her talks. Her approach is highly collaborative yet straightforward, as she engages with key stakeholders to drive results and build their self-awareness in alignment with goals. She travels the globe helping others coalesce discussion and integrate change into agreement and action.