Bruce Greenhalgh

Global Health and Wellbeing Senior Specialist BT (British Telecom)

Bruce Greenhalgh True
Bruce Greenhalgh

Bruce Greenhalgh

Global Health and Wellbeing Senior Specialist
BT (British Telecom)

Bruce Greenhalg is currently Senior Wellbeing Specialist at BT (British Telecom) the UK’s leading telecommunications provider. Previously he was head of Employee Assistance at Accenture. He has an MA in Counselling & Psychotherapy, is an accredited therapist with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, and is a Fellow of the UK Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Bruce has developed and delivered programmes globally on wellbeing and mental health across all levels within and for multinationals including Accenture, BT, HSBC, Vodafone, Microsoft, and O2. He has presented on related topics at conferences across Europe, Asia, and the USA. He has delivered to diverse audiences such as psychiatrists, corporate lawyers, wellbeing professionals, and educators. More recently Bruce developed BT’s response to maintain employee wellbeing during the pandemic and wrote a wellbeing guide to help UK SME’s.

In and out of the corporate world Bruce has a keen interest in Mindfulness which he now teaches and practices in a range of diverse settings such as therapeutically, counselor training, summer schools, retreats, and for small private groups and charities. In corporate settings, Bruce has integrated mindfulness training as part of wellness programmes and more recently as part of executive training for senior managers.

He trained to teach mindfulness on the master’s programme at Bangor University (Wales) and is certified by the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute created in Google and based in San Francisco. Bruce was also a contributor to the ‘Building the Case for Mindfulness in the Workplace’ developed by the Mindfulness Initiative on behalf of the UK Government Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Group (MAPPG).