Chris Evans

Former Head of CorpDev Integration Amazon

Chris Evans True
Chris Evans

Chris Evans

Former Head of CorpDev Integration

For 14 years until late 2022, Chris ran Amazon’s CorpDev Integration team. The team was responsible for leading acquiring Amazon teams and new acquisitions through due diligence, integration planning and integration execution for all acquisitions. During his tenure, CorpDev Integration led over 100 closed transactions. In total Chris worked at Amazon for more than 17 years. Currently Chris provides M&A leadership advice to select clients and is the CFO of the nuclear fusion software startup, nTtau Digital. Prior to joining Amazon, Chris worked for Deutsche Bank’s Technology Investment Banking practice in London and Hong Kong for 5 long years through the .com boom and bust. Chris has an MBA from Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, and a BSc. (Honors) in Banking and International Finance from City University, London.