Christopher Hannegan

Christopher Hannegan

Principal, Workforce Transformation

Christopher Hannegan is a principal in PwC's Workforce Transformation practice and works with companies across industry sectors to accelerate transformation and new ways of working with a focus on leadership, organizational culture and effective communications. A journalist by training, his 30-year career has spanned in-house roles at Bayer, and management consulting firms and communications firms, including Strategy& and Edelman. He is the U.S. partner lead for PwC’s Katzenbach Center for Culture and Leadership.

His notable work includes diagnosing cultural barriers to strategy execution at a global financial services firm, improving the risk and control environments at multiple banks, redesigning a comprehensive approach to employee communications and engagement at a leading tech company to drive transformation, and designing fit-for-future corporate communications teams for multiple organizations. He also has worked with a Fortune 5 organization to adopt new ways of working, with a global airline to increase supervisor effectiveness and leadership connection to the front line, and with a leading bank to engage a global workforce around a transformation of performance management philosophy and processes. Christopher earned his B.A. in Journalism from Penn State University and has also completed foreign language studies at Christian Albrecht University in Kiel, Germany. He is highly proficient in German and operates comfortably across cultures and geographies.