Bryan W. Mattimore

Senior Fellow, Human Capital The Conference Board

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Bryan W. Mattimore

Bryan W. Mattimore

Senior Fellow, Human Capital
The Conference Board

Bryan W. Mattimore is a Senior Fellow in the Human Capital Center of The Conference Board. He is the Cofounder and “Chief Idea Guy” of the Growth Engine Company, a 22-year-old innovation and creativity training agency based in Stamford, CT. In his innovation and marketing consulting career, Bryan has personally facilitated over 1,000 ideation sessions, delivered 150 keynotes, moderated 500 focus groups, and managed 200 successful innovation projects, leading to $3 billion in new sales for one-third of the Fortune 100 companies. His ideation training programs use an “action-learning” approach where participants generate ideas for their real-world challenges as they learn how to successfully apply the newly learned creative thinking techniques. 

Bryan has written four books on ideation and the innovation process: Idea Stormers: How to Lead and Inspire Creative Breakthroughs; 99% Inspiration; 21 Days to a Big Idea; and the forthcoming Islands of Invention: How to Create Extraordinary Innovation Centers. He also contributed an award-winning chapter to the book The Other Side of Growth entitled “Organizational Values, An Essential Tool for Creating a Culture of Innovation.” A cum laude graduate of Dartmouth with a major in psychology, he is also an innovation and marketing instructor for Caltech in its Executive Education Department.