Sabra Brock, Ph.D.

Sabra Brock, Ph.D.

Interim Dean, Graduate Business School
Touro College

Sabra Brock is Interim Dean at the Graduate Business School of Touro College in New York City, Berlin, Moscow, and Paris. She also teaches marketing and management courses to undergraduate and graduate students. 

She received her doctorate from New York University. Her research interests include collaborative learning in business schools and the workplace, cross cultural teaching, and managing change through transformative learning.

Dr. Brock is published in six peer-reviewed journals, such as Reference Services Review, Adult Education Quarterly, and Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and ManagementRecent articles include “Library and marketing class collaborate to create next generation learning landscape,” “ Empowering PowerPoint:  Slides and teaching effectiveness,” “Gender equality for learning leadership in undergraduate business schools,” and “Measuring the importance of precursor steps to transformative learning,”

She has two books on gender relationships. Men Head East Women Turn Right has translated to five languages.

She is also president of and a frequent speaker on innovation, effective professional communication, and managing change.  Dr. Brock has held global leadership positions in learning, strategic planning, and marketing at Citicorp, Colgate-Palmolive, DuPont, and Young & Rubicam.