Luk N. Van Wassenhove

Luk N. Van Wassenhove

Luk N. Van Wassenhove is the Henry Ford Chaired Professor of Manufacturing and the academic director for the newlyfounded Social Innovation Centre at INSEAD. Van Wassenhove’s research and teaching are concerned with operational excellence, supply chain management, quality, continual improvement, and learning. His recent research focuses on closed-loop supply chains (product takeback and end-of-life issues) and on disaster management (humanitarian logistics).

Van Wassenhove is a senior editor for Manufacturing and Service Operations Management and associate editor for Production and Operations Management, Technology and Operations Review, and International Journal of Production Economics. He publishes extensively in Management Science, Operations Research, International Journal of Production Research, European Journal of Operations Research, and in many other academic and management journals (such as Harvard Business Review and California Management Review). He is the author of many teaching cases and regularly consults for major international corporations.

Before joining INSEAD,Van Wassenhove was on the faculty at Erasmus University and at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.