Jon Gabel

Jon Gabel

Jon Gabel is a senior fellow at the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) in Washington D.C. NORC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose mission is to conduct high-quality research in the public interest. Previously, Gabel was vice president of the Center for Studying Health System Change, a Washington D.C. based research organization that aims to inform healthcare decision makers about changes in the healthcare system at both the local, and national level. From 1999 to 2005, Gabel was vice president for Health Systems Studies at the Health Research and Educational Trust, and was formerly director of The Center for Survey Research for KPMG Peat Marwick IIP. He has also served as director of research for The American Association of Health Plans and The Health Insurance Association of America, which are industry trade associations representing HMOs and health Insurance companies, respectively. A frequent speaker at business and professional meetings, Gabel is often quoted in the media and has appeared on many major national television news networks. He holds degrees in economics from The College of William and Mary and Arizona State University.

Publications by Jon Gabel
