Barbara Scheck

Barbara Scheck

Professor for Entrepreneurship
Munich Business School

Barbara Scheck started her career in the German Diplomatic Service before co-founding and heading a financial literacy project established by Allianz, McKinsey & Company, KPMG and Grey. During her Ph.D. she has developed the Social Reporting Standard, guidelines for impact-oriented reporting. Other significant experiences include consulting for a social venture capital fund and projects for development cooperation agencies on social entrepreneurship. She furthermore supports the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie (SEA) in Munich in developing novel education programs for societal change. She is a member of the EU’s GECES subgroup on impact measurement in social enterprise, the Impact Measurement Working Group of the Social Impact Investment Task Force established by the G8 and co-founder of Volunteer Vision, an online corporate volunteering platform. Her research focuses on the financing of social enterprises, impact and mission-related investing and impact assessment. She holds a Diplôme de Grande Ecole and MSc from the European School of Management where she studied International Business Administration in Paris, Oxford and Berlin and a PhD from Technical University Munich. Before joining MBS, Barbara Scheck was Assistant Professor for Social Investment at the University of Hamburg since 2012.

Publications by Barbara Scheck
