Kelley Holland

Financial Coach, Award-winning Journalist, and Author You Are Worthy: Change Your Money Mindset, Build Your Wealth & Fund Your Future

Kelley Holland True
Kelley Holland

Kelley Holland

Financial Coach, Award-winning Journalist, and Author
You Are Worthy: Change Your Money Mindset, Build Your Wealth & Fund Your Future

Kelley Holland is the founder and CEO of Own Your Destiny, which provides financial coaching and empowerment programs for women. She is also the author of You Are Worthy: Change Your Money Mindset, Build Your Wealth & Fund Your Future. Previously, Kelley spent two decades in business and financial journalism: she was a columnist and editor for The New York Times, a special contributor to CNBC, and the money and banking editor at Business Week, where one of her cover stories helped the magazine win a National Magazine Award. Kelley graduated from Amherst College and holds a Master’s in Public and Private Management from the Yale School of Management. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a member of the Governing Council of Yale Women. She lives in northern New Jersey with her husband and an ever-varying number of her adult children.