Layla O'Kane

Research Manager Emsi Burning Glass

Layla O'Kane True
Layla O'Kane

Layla O'Kane

Research Manager
Emsi Burning Glass

Layla O’Kane is a Research Manager on the Economics team at Emsi Burning Glass, where she manages projects that use labor market analytics to further public policy. Recent research topics include understanding the career pathways available to vulnerable workers displaced by automation, closing the digital skills gap across workers, entrepreneurship and career opportunities for military spouses, and the return on investment of industry credentials. Layla has had the opportunity to present her work at conferences organized by the UN,OECD, APEC, and SXSWEdu. Prior to joining Emsi Burning Glass, Layla was a Data Analytics Consultant at the Boston Women’s Workforce Council, helping Boston area employers work towards closing the gender wage gap. Layla has previous experience using behavioral economics to increase gender inclusion in hiring and promotions for local governments and international organizations. She has also worked in economic consulting with a focus on labor and antitrust litigation and merger review. Layla holds a BA in Economics and in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania and an MPA in International Development from the Harvard Kennedy School.

Publications by Layla O'Kane
