Lucas Bergkamp

Senior Policy Advisor - ESG Center, Europe The Conference Board

Lucas Bergkamp True
Lucas Bergkamp

Lucas Bergkamp

Senior Policy Advisor - ESG Center, Europe
The Conference Board

Lucas Bergkamp serves as the senior policy advisor - EU affairs - to the European Environmental, Social, & Governance Center. In this role, he advises center members on EU environmental law and policy developments. Previously, he was a partner at Hunton & Williams where he focused on regulatory and trade as well as liability and transactional work. He has represented multinational enterprises in a variety of environmental, health and safety, and trade-related matters at policy and compliance levels.

He has broad experience in plant- and product-related environmental law, chemical law, pesticides and biocides, energy law, civil liability, contaminated sites regulation, medicinal products, medical devices, food, biotechnology, health care, and product regulation, including energy efficiency, take-back, and packaging and waste regulation.

He is an expert in EU administrative law and procedure, and regulatory requirements applying in case of accidents, spills, and incidents. He counsels on the laws of various EU member states, interfaces between national laws and EC law, WTO law, and proposed regulations. He also advises on European data protection and e-commerce laws and policies and has particular experience regarding technical trade barriers and possible remedies. 

Background: Prof., Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1997; Education: LL.M., Yale University, 1989; Ph.D., University of Amsterdam, 1988; M.D., University of Amsterdam, 1988; J.D., University of Amsterdam, 1985. 

Publications by Lucas Bergkamp

