Lynn Backe

Lynn Backe

Sustainability Advisor
The Purpose Business

Lynn is a communications and marketing specialist working in the intersection of purpose and sustainability with The Purpose Business, an Asian-based sustainability consultancy that supports Asian-based organisations articulate, activate, and embed both purpose and sustainability into business strategy and operations.

With a background in building brands, Lynn now works with companies to articulate and embed organisational purpose, as well as provide advisory on sustainability communications strategies and messaging.

For over 20 years, including 14 with Swedish telecom leaders Ericsson, she has worked with both corporate and public sector leaders on strategic communications, public affairs and integrated marketing comms across a wide range of issues including but not limited to corporate strategy, ESG and CSR strategies and initiatives, reputation and issues management and M&A.

With a background in Marketing, Lynn is also an alumni of the MBA in Marketing with Professor Mark Ritson and was most recently certified on the Impact Measurement & Management for the SDGs authorised by Duke University. She is passionate about measurable and accountable purpose, and corporate strategies and ambitions to create sustainable and inclusive growth for all stakeholders.