Meg Grow

Meg Grow

Senior Manager, CRMDx Quality
Boston Scientific

In addition to their day job, Meg Grow has been an Inclusion Champion at Boston Scientific since 2005. Highlights include serving as the Global Co-lead for the LEAD ERG (Leadership, Education & Allies for Disabilities) and expanding the scope of Boston Scientific’s anti-racism program to Europe. They are considered an internal subject matter expert on topics such as digital accessibility, onboarding gender-diverse employees, and inclusive people leadership. An engineer by training and people leader by background, Meg believes that real progress is made through a combination of systems-based thinking, a deep understanding of human behavior, and constantly asking “what if?” Meg is a passionate force for positive change who is not nearly as buttoned-up as this bio would lead you to believe. They identify as genderqueer, neurodiverse, and a person of size. Meg is based in Minneapolis where they can often be found with their kiddo, exploring the muddy depths of the local creek.