Patricia Thull

Patricia Thull

Freelance Writer and Independent Worker

Patti Thull is a freelance writer focused on B2B content and executive ghostwriting for firms in the technology, talent management, healthcare, and consulting industries. She founded Thull Communications, LLC, in 2017 after leaving her full-time job as the executive communications leader for a Fortune 500 company. 

With more than 15 years’ experience working one-on-one with C-suite executives, Patti knows that two things—talented people and effective technology—are what bring strategy to life. Thull Communications’ customers include multi-billion-dollar global technology companies, some of the world’s largest talent solutions providers, North American health services providers, and mid-size consulting firms.

An award-winning speechwriter, Patti has supported CEOs, COOs, CSOs, and CHROs across a broad range of venues, from the White House to Harvard Business School to global industry events and more. One CEO dubbed her “The Chameleon” for her uncanny ability to adopt the voice and style of any given leader.