Praisy Abraham

Research Fellow, ESG Center, Europe The Conference Board

Praisy Abraham True
Praisy Abraham

Praisy Abraham

Research Fellow, ESG Center, Europe
The Conference Board

Praisy Abraham is a Research Fellow at the ESG Center, Europe. She focuses on sustainability and ESG research and writing for the Center. Her recent work includes research in EU human rights, environmental policy, and supply chain sustainability.

In addition to her role at the ESG Center, she also serves as the Member Engagement Associate for the Asia Human Capital Center, Singapore. She assists in various activities such as conducting tailored briefings, facilitating masterclasses and roundtables, managing research projects, and overseeing logistical aspects for member events.

Prior to joining TCB, she worked as a Program Coordinator, Soft-skills trainer, and volunteer in various NGOs in Delhi. Her primary work area was creating and managing programs, mainly for the welfare of women and children, focused on education and empowerment.

Praisy has a Master's degree in Sustainable Development from Christ University, Bangalore, India. She holds a BA in Economics and Maths from Delhi University. She is based in Delhi, India.