Rik Vera

Author, Futurologist, Business Philosopher, Coach Senior Fellow, ESF Center, Europe The Conference Board

Rik Vera True
Rik Vera

Rik Vera

Author, Futurologist, Business Philosopher, Coach
Senior Fellow, ESF Center, Europe, The Conference Board

Rik Vera is an author, futurologist, business philosopher, coach and above all a very inspiring keynote speaker. He looks at companies and organisations from his unique and surprisingly broad perspective and makes it clear to them how they can continue to be relevant in the ever digitising society of the future. He likes to challenge them to distinguish themselves within and even outside of their industry.

He likes to think alongside businesses to develop new opportunities for growth, and sparks fresh ideas about the future with a healthy dose of (Flemish) humour. He inspires and enthuses organisations around the world with his gripping stories, visuals and presentations that won’t just prepare you for the day after tomorrow, they’ll also give you practical insights with which you can get started today.