Robert Meisner, MD

Robert Meisner, MD

Medical Director, Ketamine Service, Mass General Brigham McLean;
Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Robert C. Meisner, MD, is the founding Medical Director of The McLean Ketamine Service and a Child and Adult attending psychiatrist in the Emergency Department at the Massachusetts General Hospital.

Meisner graduated from Princeton summa cum laude, then began doctoral studies in Social Anthropology at the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. It was in that context, while studying the semiotics of pain in war- and Ebola-torn Uganda, that he first was exposed to Ketamine as unique and versatile agent. 

After graduating from Harvard Medical School, he completed his intern year in Internal Medicine, then began categorical residency training in Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine. He completed his training in the MGH-McLean Harvard Combined Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship in 2014.

In his current leadership capacity, Meisner works at the intersection of diverse medical specialties to safely bring mid- and late-stage, pipeline research into clinical practice through evidence-based, data-driven translational practices. Publicly, he prioritizes the dissemination of evidence-based, sound information regarding emerging therapies through collaboration with diverse, high-quality media (among them, STAT, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Harvard Health Publications, Allure, Mashable, iHeart Radio, and others). He is the Co-Chair for the National Network of Depression Center’s (NNDC) Ketamine Task Force,  serves on the Board of Mangata, Inc., and consults to senior hospital, insurance and pharmaceutical leadership around the country. 

Meisner has held appointments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard, where he served as an acting residential Dean at Harvard College and as a mandatory member of the College’s Administrative Board.