Robin Lloyd

Robin Lloyd

Visiting Scholar, NYU
Contributing Editor, Scientific American

Robin Lloyd is a science, environment, and public health reporter with extensive experience writing and editing on short deadlines for print and online media. She currently is a contributing editor at Scientific American, where she was the news editor for several years. She also is a visiting scholar in New York University’s Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program (SHERP). Lloyd taught SHERP’s science news writing course from 2016-2021. She also has held staff writing and editing jobs at the American Museum of Natural History, CNN, Livescience, the Pasadena-Star News, and As a freelance science journalist, her work has appeared in Mental Floss, Nature, New York magazine, NPR, Spectrum, The New York Times, The Open Notebook, and Undark. She is president of the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing, having served as a member of the council’s board of directors since 2013. Awards include recognition by the Society for Environmental Journalists in 2020 for investigative work on water and sewer infrastructure, and by the National Association of Science Writers in 2015 for the Diane McGurgan Service Award. She completed a Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the 1998-1999 academic year. She earned a Ph.D. and M.A. in sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a B.A. from Smith College.