A. Scott Hecker

A. Scott Hecker

Senior Counsel, Labor & Employment
Seyfarth Shaw LLP

The fiscal and physical health of an employer’s workforce are of utmost importance; they are also governed by a complex set of overlapping laws at the local, state, and federal level. Scott provides clients with significant knowledge of federal government enforcement practices and engages in rational problem solving to devise workable paths forward for his clients.

Scott has advised clients and litigated on their behalf under numerous federal labor laws, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Mine Safety and Health Act, Black Lung Benefits Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, and Service Contract Act. His personal experience with a breadth of substantive areas situates him to provide keen advice at the intersection of cross-cutting legal issues.

Scott’s experience working for the US Department of Labor, spanning trial and appellate litigation, rulemaking, client advice, and agency strategic planning, gives him a uniquely holistic perspective on the workings of the federal government. Based on his knowledge and background, Scott can quickly cut to the heart of the matter to reach prompt and favorable resolutions. When needed, Scott calls on his litigation skills to vindicate his client’s interests.

With experience in strategic planning, Scott enjoys exploring how his clients can use data to drive decision-making and to develop innovative relationships with their stakeholders. Further, Scott emphasizes transparent communication when serving his clients, and he considers all relevant perspectives when evaluating client concerns to ensure comprehensive and successful outcomes.

Scott loves building relationships and working collaboratively to positively resolve to challenging business and legal circumstances.