Scott Heimlich

Scott Heimlich

President, Amgen Foundation
Executive Director of Corporate Philanthropy, Amgen

Scott Heimlich is President of the Amgen Foundation and Executive Director of Corporate Philanthropy for Amgen. The Amgen Foundation is the main philanthropic giving arm of Amgen, one of the world’s leading biotechnology companies. He is a well-respected leader in philanthropy and corporate citizenship, and responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and operations of the Foundation locally and globally. The Foundation’s overall commitment now stands at $475 million to date.

Scott engages in numerous corporate citizenship and philanthropy organizations, including The Conference Board’s Corporate Citizenship Leadership Council, Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship’s Executive Advisory Board, Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals’ Executive Network, STEM Funders Network, and Southern California Grantmakers. Prior to joining Amgen in 2005, he served in positions at UCLA, USC, and the K-12 level in Japan. He holds a bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate in education from UCLA.