Scott D. Pulsipher

Scott D. Pulsipher

President, Western Governors University
CED Trustee

Scott Pulsipher serves as president of nonprofit Western Governors University (WGU), the nation’s first and largest competency-based university, leading all academic, operational, and organizational functions.

Pulsipher came to WGU in 2016 and blends a personal drive for making a difference in the lives of individuals and families through education and a passion for technology-powered innovation. At WGU, he is driving continuous innovation to improve student outcomes by focusing on rapidly advancing curriculum quality, new faculty models, data-driven learning, and an innovative cost model. In 2020,?EdTech Digest?named him one of the Top 100 Influencers in EdTech.

Pulsipher chairs the President’s Forum, a?collaborative network of?nearly 20?college and university presidents committed to the reinvention of higher education.?He also serves as a member of Handshake’s Impact Advisory Board, and on the board of the American Council on Education.

Before coming to WGU, Pulsipher had more than 20 years of leadership experience in technology-based, customer-focused businesses, including Amazon, Sterling Commerce (now part of IBM), and two successful startups that traverse retail, supply chain, banking, payments, and manufacturing sectors.

Pulsipher holds a bachelor’s degree in management from Brigham Young University and an MBA from Harvard University.