Seth Goodall

Executive Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility Santander US

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Seth Goodall

Seth Goodall

Executive Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility
Santander US

Seth Goodall is Head of Corporate Social Responsibility for Santander US. In this role, Seth is responsible for overseeing Santander's activities related to corporate responsibility, ESG, philanthropy, Santander’s Inclusive Communities Plan and community engagement. Seth previously served Santander as Executive Vice President of Small Business Administration (SBA) Lending. Before Santander, Seth was appointed in 2013 by President Obama to serve as the New England Regional Administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration, leading operations in New England. Prior to that, he was an attorney while serving in the Maine State Senate, including as Majority leader. Seth earned his J.D. from the University of Maine School of Law, and holds a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut.