Takis Makridis

Takis Makridis

President and CEO
Equity Methods

Takis Makridis is responsible for the strategy, service delivery, and thought leadership efforts at Equity Methods. A longtime consultant, Takis remains active in client service and the firm’s research efforts. Both reflect his relentless commitment to delivering practical, plain-English, high-impact solutions.

Takis became president and CEO in 2012. Under Takis’ leadership, the firm has deepened its bench of consultants in core service areas, expanded its competencies to include the valuation of complex securities, and enhanced its support of executive compensation professionals and other senior HR leaders.

Today, Equity Methods is the top-rated provider of stock plan financial reporting services. The firm has earned recognition for its high client satisfaction and loyalty as well as its emphasis on employee engagement and development. Clients range from pre-IPO emerging growth companies to public and private multinationals.

The hallmark of Equity Methods’ approach is to simplify the lives of senior finance and HR executives. This includes distilling often-dense technical issues into plain, context-sensitive language. It also means loyally supporting clients by remaining flexible and ultra-responsive to their needs while looking out for their continuous improvement—enabled by automation—over the long run. All this is layered onto a foundation of technical excellence and thought leadership.

In Takis’ view, “It’s an honor to serve our clients. And one way to honor them is to make it easy to work with us.”

Inside Equity Methods, one of Takis’ passions is advocating extreme levels of cross-functional collaboration—what he calls a “3-D approach to work.” Another is cultivating a promote-from-within environment that is heavy on mentorship. “Coaching people and being part of their professional growth is incredibly meaningful to me,” Takis says.

Journalists from Bloomberg, the New York Times, Corporate Board, Compliance Week, CFO.com, and Treasury and Risk have sought out Takis for his insight and comments. He is critically engaged with thought leaders from consulting firms, public accounting, and academia in addressing new and emerging issues.

A nationally recognized speaker, Takis frequently leads conference presentations, executive briefing sessions, and firm webcasts. Takis also is a contributor to various technical publications. He’s the author of Advanced Topics in Equity Compensation Accounting and co-author of Accounting for Equity Compensation (third – fifth editions), published by the National Center for Employee Ownership. The two have been required texts for the Certified Equity Professional (CEP) designation. Takis has also served as an expert for commercial arbitration involving technical compensation matters.

Takis holds a BS in economics and finance from Arizona State University and an MBA from Oxford University.