Bill Baue

Senior Director Reporting 3.0

Bill Baue True
Bill Baue

Bill Baue

Senior Director
Reporting 3.0

As an internationally recognized expert on Sustainability Context, Online Stakeholder Engagement, and Thriveability, Bill Baue catalyzes systemic transformation. As a serial entrepreneur, he's co-founded a number of companies and initiatives: 

  • Reporting 3.0, a global public good nonprofit platform of Positive Mavericks working to transform to a regenerative and distributive economy using disclosure as a fulcrum of leverage.
  • Convetit, an online stakeholder engagement platform.  
  • Sustainability Context Group, a global community of thought leaders and practitioners who advocate for Context-Based Sustainability;
  • Sea Change Radio, a globally syndicated podcast on sustainability.

He currently serves as Senior Director of Reporting 3.0, where he oversees the series of Blueprint Projects crowdsourcing redesign templates for the fields of reporting, accounting, data, and new business models with the goal of triggering the transformation to a regenerative and distributive economy and society.

 Baue has worked with prominent organizations across the sustainability ecosystem, including Audubon, Cabot Creamery Coop, Ceres, GE, Harvard, United Nations Environment Programme, Walmart, and Worldwatch Institute. He serves on the UN Science-Policy-Business Forum, the Technical Advisory Group of the Science Based Targets initiative and as Senior Advisor to Preventable Surprises.

He has written / edited several books and significant reports: