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October 21, 2021 09:00 AM ET - 05:00 PM ET
Over 100 ESG Center members and invited guests attended an exclusive Center Briefing with former Delaware Supreme Court Chief Justice Leo Strine, Jr. and his colleagues Sarah Eddy and David Katz from Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz on the connection between corporate compliance and, as Wachtell emphatically phrases it, ‘EESG’ – with the extra E standing for employees.
As Wachtell noted, any good corporate compliance program should ensure that the board of directors is fulfilling its Caremark responsibilities not only to implement a system to manage the risks facing the company but also to monitor that system. So, in addition to discussing the overall link between compliance and EESG, the panel specifically reviewed the Delaware Chancery Court’s recent decision in the Boeing case and discussed the key litigation and governance lessons from that Caremark case.
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Expert-led presentation for Members, held under Chatham House Rule, usually 60-90 minutes.
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Members can access materials for this event, but must be signed in. Please sign in to your myTCB® account to access.