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April 05, 2022 10:00 AM ET - 11:00 AM ET
The Conference Board held a briefing for members in collaboration with the law firm, Hughes Hubbard & Reed.
This briefing focused the European Commission’s draft directive on “Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence” that, if adopted, will impose significant new obligations on companies operating in the EU relating to human rights and the environment– including companies incorporated in the US that have a relatively modest level of revenue in the EU.
We were joined by experts from Hughes Hubbard and Reed with a panel of practitioners from French companies who have already implemented due diligence programs under the similar French Law “Duty of Vigliance” to share their experience.
For more information:
If you would like the key takeaways of the briefing or have any questions about this program or the ESG Center, please email
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Expert-led presentation for Members, held under Chatham House Rule, usually 60-90 minutes.
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Members can access materials for this event, but must be signed in. Please sign in to your myTCB® account to access.