Behind the Headlines: What’s Up and What’s New in Crisis and Issues Communications?
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Marketing & Communications Roundtables

Behind the Headlines: What’s Up and What’s New in Crisis and Issues Communications?

February 16, 2024 11:00 AM ET - 12:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting

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With crises, disruptions, social/political issues, and economic and geopolitical uncertainties now being more an everyday reality than exception, how has the work of the communications teams that address these challenges changed?

Some of the topics we want to discuss are: 

Changes of the work

  • How much have crisis communications shifted from reacting to events to proactively managing reputation and preempt crises? How are you doing this?
  • How have target audiences, the multitude of stakeholders considered, and channels (less social media, more in-person conversations?)been changing?
  • How do you ensure trust by your various stakeholders?
  • What new skills and ways of working are required to work in today’s landscape?


  • Are you using outside advisors more/less for staying on top of potential upcoming issues, to address crises, support reputation building, etc.?
  • Who manages issues/crises (COO, CCO, CFO, etc.) and what role does the CCO/communications team play? How much does the CEO/C-Suite get involved?

Types of crises

  • What kinds of crises and disruptions are you preparing for? What role do the elections play?
    • Upcoming event: Keep your eyes out for our members-only event on March 12, 2pm ET on the elections from a Marketing & Communications and ESG perspective.

Investment and performance (as time permits)

  • Upcoming research/event: Depending on the discussion, we might not get to this topic at this event. However, performance measurement/KPIs is in our research and events plan so we’ll address it for sure in the next few months. More information to come.
  • Is the investment in crisis communications increasing or decreasing? Interestingly, our C-Suite Outlook 2024 shows that CEOs have more positive views on this than those in marketing/communications functions.
  • How do you prove your/your team’s business value, including during times when there is no current crisis to address?

Join us for an hour of discussion with your peers in communications and related fields. We are holding this event under the Chatham House Rule, i.e., attendees may use the learnings from the event but may not attribute them to any individual or company.


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Roundtables are discussions held under the Chatham House Rule for M&C Center Members and invited guests that focus on a key topic of interest with a single session (1-2 hours).

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