As described in the January 2020 Committee for Economic Development of the Conference Board (CED) policy statement, Boosting Immigration: Harnessing global talent to increase US competitiveness, innovation, and prosperity, the challenges presented by slowing population and labor force growth and an aging populace will require the US to embrace every available advantage to bolster the strength and productivity of the American workforce in order to help more American families benefit from growth and preserve our global leadership. With its ability to help supplement and complement our existing labor force with additional skills and talent, and help create new entrepreneurial and employment opportunities, immigration policy presents an underutilized opportunity for achieving our nation’s economic goals. Dr. Leah Boustan, Professor of Economics at Princeton University, joins to discuss her research on what we can learn from comparing US immigration past and present, and how those insights can inform today’s immigration policy debates.
Sustaining Capitalism Podcast Series / 27 Apr 2023
This podcast discusses how US oil and gas companies are expanding exploration and production activities to respond to increasing energy needs.
Sustaining Capitalism Podcast Series / 28 Mar 2023
In this episode, we are joined by Cecilia McKenney, to discuss workforce challenges facing the health care industry following the pandemic.
Sustaining Capitalism Podcast Series / 07 Mar 2023
Dr. Doug Shapiro of the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center discusses college enrollment trends.
Sustaining Capitalism Podcast Series / 28 Feb 2023
This podcast episode features an assessment of where the war stands now, how the West has responded to it, and the future direction of US policy.
Sustaining Capitalism Podcast Series / 21 Feb 2023
Michael Romano of NTCA joins us to discuss how the funding from the infrastructure law can be unlocked and used effectively.
Sustaining Capitalism Podcast Series / 14 Feb 2023
Regulatory agencies often overstep their boundaries, with serious consequences both to the entities they regulate and the economy as a whole.