StraightTalk® A Deep Dive on Risks to the Outlook

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Publication Date:
December 13, 2021
Omicron notwithstanding, our near-term outlook for the global economy remains promising. We currently project real global GDP to grow 3.9 percent (year-over-year) in 2022—well above the long-term trend rate. As pandemic impacts recede, The Conference Board expects annual growth to average 2.5 percent from 2023 to 2031. But much uncertainty remains. StraightTalk®: A Deep Dive on Risks to the Outlook details an array of short- and long-term risks to our outlook that bear monitoring. These range from obvious downside risks for 2022—e.g., new supply-chain breakdowns or the emergence of more virulent COVID-19 variants—to upside developments that may lift growth potential over the next decade, such as the faster-than-anticipated greening of the global economy. Explore the likelihood, implications, and timing of each of these risks.
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