China Cybersecurity & Data Protection: 5 Takeaways for Multinational Companies
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China Cybersecurity & Data Protection: 5 Takeaways for Multinational Companies

March 09, 2023 | Report

China has strengthened many of its data security and privacy laws in recent years. These regulations apply equally to Chinese and multinational companies doing business in and with China.

China is home to the world’s largest e-commerce market, responsible for more than 40 percent of global transactions,1 and its digital economy is a crucial element of its economic growth. As such, the country has strengthened many of its data security and privacy laws in recent years. These regulations apply equally to Chinese and multinational companies doing business in and with China.

A recent meeting of The Conference Board Cybersecurity Risk Management, Chief Privacy Officers, and Data Protection & Privacy Leaders Councils, Barbara Li*, highlighted the complexities of data and cybersecurity laws in effect in China. Council Members suggested steps companies should take to comply with the laws.

Insights for What’s Ahead

  • China’s laws governing cybersecurity, data, and privacy are evolving quickly and will co

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Research Fellow, Environmental, Social & Governance Center, Europe
The Conference Board

Ellen Hexter

Program Director, Chief Audit Executives Council, and Strategic Risk Management Council
The Conference Board


ESG Center Leader, Europe
The Conference Board
