Interactive Global Value Chain (GVC) Dataset

Abdul Erumban
Erik Lundh
Ilaria Maselli
Ataman Ozyildirim
Klaas de Vries
Publication Date:
February 15, 2018
This interactive dataset is a companion to The Conference Board report "Trading up" and allows users to navigate global value chain data for 44 countries and 19 industries. For more details regarding it construction and examples showing its potential use, please refer to pages 15-18 of the report. Chart 1 shows the total value of goods assembled in the country of choice broken down into domestically and foreign sourced value added. Chart 2 can then be used for more details on where the foreign-sourced value added originated from for a country, industry and year of choice. Finally, Chart 3 allows users to navigate the foreign value added shares of up to 5 countries in the value chain of a country and industry by choice for the period 2000-2014. When using this data, please cite as: "The Conference Board calculations using data from the World Input Output Database"
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