Make the Most of the Nexus Between Leadership and Conflict

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Publication Date:
November 09, 2022
Human conflict––as old as humanity itself––occurs frequently in the workplace in forms ranging from insults and bullying to harassment and threats and even to physical assaults.[1] As leaders navigate past a global pandemic and through a dramatically altered workplace, they should anticipate even greater occasion for conflict.[2] Indeed, according to a 2021 survey of 1,000 US remote workers, 80 percent have experienced workplace conflict, an even greater percentage of workers than prior to the pandemic.[3] [1] Business Training Media, What Is Workplace Conflict?;Skye Schooley, Workplace Harassment: How to Recognize and Report It, Business News Daily, October 7, 2022. [2] Anna Sheilds, The Impact of Covid on Workplace Conflict, Forbes, July 28, 2021; Anitra Lesser, Addressing Workplace Conflicts Escalated by Difficulties During COVID-19, Employers Council; Erin Mulvaney, Covid-as-Disability Bound to Spur Workplace Conflicts, Lawsuits, Bloomberg Law, December 20, 2021; Anna Shields, Isolation and Conflict in the Hybrid Workplace, Forbes, May 31, 2022. [3] Jennifer Pieniazek, The Blow-by-Blow on Remote Work Conflict, MyPerfectResume, February 12, 2021.Adopt a mix of two sustainable leadership styles––appreciative and authentic—when managing conflict and adapting to workplace change.
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