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Geopolitics Hub

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NATO Summit

July 13, 2023

The NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania focused on Ukraine but also laid the groundwork for future development of the Alliance’s work, particularly in the Pacific. While Ukraine fell short of its aspiration for a date for membership in NATO, the Allies did bring Ukraine closer, through a new NATO-Ukraine Council, and the G-7 countries will begin negotiations with Ukraine on interim security guarantees, economic reforms, and reconstruction assistance.

  • Turkey’s agreement that Sweden can join NATO may signal closer overall ties with the West after President Erdogan’s reelection.
  • While President Zelensky did not receive the clear timeline he wanted on NATO membership, he sought to patch over differences with some Allies, eventually calling the Summit’s results “good.” A number of countries made commitments for increased military assistance to Ukraine.
  • NATO will not open a formal liaison office in Tokyo because of French opposition but is deepening its ties with Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.


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