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Geopolitics Hub

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The Weekly Round-Up: Developments on Ukraine 3

May 06, 2022

Russia continued its military pressure in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, with heavy attacks on
Mariupol focusing on the Azovstal steel plant, from which some civilian evacuations finally occurred this
week amidst what the Ukrainians described as “difficult, bloody battles.” While the Pentagon has noted
that Russian progress in Donbas appears slow, Russia is also launching missiles west towards the major
port of Odesa and elsewhere in Ukraine with a particular focus on railroad lines. Ukraine said it was
unlikely to launch a counter-offensive before mid-June as it is waiting for additional weaponry. Russia
said that the supply of weapons to Ukraine from NATO countries “do not contribute to the quick
completion” of the invasion. The UK Ministry of Defence claimed that of the more than “120 battalion
tactical groups, approximately 65 percent of its entire ground combat strength,” committed to the
invasion, over 25 percent of those units were rendered “combat ineffective,” including elite units, noting
that “[i]t will probably take years for Russia to reconstitute these forces.” The UK is donating 13 armored
vehicles to Ukraine to assist in civilian evacuation operations. Belarusian forces began military drills.
European Council President Charles Michel visited Chi?in?u, Moldova, and said the EU is considering
providing military aid to the country.

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