Disruptive Innovation Radar: Get Ready for the Future of Work!
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Disruptive Innovation Radar: Get Ready for the Future of Work!

March 30, 2023 | Newsletters & Alerts

Our Disruptive Innovation Radar roundup features the latest news, trends and insights from the world of Artificial Intelligence. From breakthrough research to emerging applications, this roundup covers it all in a concise, informative, and easily accessible format.




The future of work is here! Experts predict that by 2050, the workplace will be transformed by futuristic technologies like hologram receptionists and tea-delivering drones. Meanwhile, retail supply chains are already feeling the effects of AI on jobs. And for those looking to create smarter robots, the answer may be to add humans to the equation. Get ready for the future of work!
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Disruptive Innovation Radar By Futurist Christian Kromme

The future of work is here! Experts predict that by 2050, the workplace will be transformed by futuristic technologies like hologram receptionists and tea-delivering drones. Meanwhile, retail supply chains are already feeling the effects of AI on jobs. And for those looking to create smarter robots, the answer may be to add humans to the equation. Get ready for the future of work!

For Smarter Robots, Just Add Humans

Teleoperating a physical robot could become an important job in future, according to Sanctuary AI, based in Vancouver, Canada. The company also believes that this might provide a way to train robots how to perform tasks that are currently well out of their (mechanical) reach, and imbue machines with a physical sense of the world some argue is needed to unlock human-level artificial intelligence.


Work in 2050? Experts Say the Workplace Will Be Shaped by Futuristic Technologies, Including Hologram Receptionists, Tea-Delivering Drones

According to recent findings, tea-delivering drones, hologram receptionists, and robots could all be part of the workplace by 2050. With futuristic technologies blending into different aspects of life and work, employees may soon be relieved from executing mundane tasks.


Retail supply chains are front-row seats for the impact of AI on jobs

Technology has been reshaping the retail industry’s supply chain for centuries, back to 18th century economist Adam Smith’s espousal of division of labor, and continuing with Henry Ford’s moving assembly line.


A fresh idea for gathering remote and hybrid employees together

I’m always on the look out for fresh ideas in the world of work—i deas that help a company operationalize their culture or strengthen their operations (which creates better work for their employees, by the way). Enter the unique way that Hotjar encourages their remote employees to gather together. If your company can afford to pull this off, I see it benefitting morale, improving effectiveness and collaboration, and spurring creativity. Read on for Quartz at Work’s conversation with Hotjar’s COO, Ken Weary.


Zoom on Zoom: How our sales teams work smarter with AI-powered conversation intelligence

As a sales leader, you don’t have room in your schedule to be a part of every big deal — or time to waste on deals that aren’t close to completion. Your managers don’t have the time to coach every AE. And you need insight into what’s really happening with deals in every stage of the sales process. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish it all.


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Levi’s Will Begin Testing AI-Generated Models

Levi’s is adding a diverse range of new fashion models to its lineup, courtesy of artificial intelligence. The company plans to use the new AI models alongside its human models to add a greater mix of sizes and body types, ages and skin colours. The move might raise questions, however, as to why Levi’s doesn’t hire more human models with the diverse characteristics it’s seeking, particularly given the historical difficulty these models have had finding opportunities in the fashion industry.


Generative AI Could Impact 300M Jobs, Goldman Sachs Predicts

Recent advances in artificial intelligence may have some people worrying about job security -- and with good reason. A report by Goldman Sachs predicts that as many as 300 million jobs could be affected by generative AI.


Robot recruiters: can bias be banished from AI hiring?

Michael Scott, the protagonist from the US version of The Office, is using an AI recruiter to hire a receptionist. The text-based system asks applicants five questions that delve into how they responded to past work situations, including dealing with difficult colleagues and juggling competing work demands.


Lower Costs and Easier Programming are Driving the Adoption of Industrial Robots

Industrial robotics has been a relevant component of manufacturing for a long time. Yet, the idea many people still have of production floor robots as expensive, hard-to-operate machines that come with safety risks for human workers is anchored in a past that doesn’t reflect the current state of things. But lower costs and easier programming are democratizing the implementation of industrial robots.



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