What We Choose to Eat
August 01, 2022 | Report
This is one of a series of insight papers drawn from our latest wave of research into Multicultural Consumers in North America. For more insights into this topic, please visit: https://www.conference-board.org/topics/multicultural-consumer |
Exploring the habits and attitudes of multicultural consumers in the US today
When, where, and what we eat has been an ever-changing crockpot over the last 24 months as isolation at home, remote work, closed or reinvented restaurants, food availability, and now 41-year-high inflation have changed our behaviors, reformed our habits, and refined our skills. However, our tastes, needs, and expectations still lead us to seek wonderful food experiences.
In our latest Multicultural Consumer Survey in May 2022, we asked about the behavior of different ethnic groups in their approach to food.
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