The Covid-19 pandemic has caused fear and distraction to permeate society - across all stakeholders. But companies and industries that have adjusted their actions and communications to address current crises are measurably standing out.
Join the Managing Director of The Harris Poll who will share data-driven findings and implications that business leaders can act on. Discover what companies can and should be doing to stand out during these uncertain times, as well as specific insights into industries that have surged to “once in a generation” inflections points (e.g. Pharma, Health Insurance).
By attending this webcast, viewers will be able to:
The research presented will be both up to date, based on The Harris Poll’s weekly COVID tracker (started in Mid March) as well provide unique longitudinal context based on the recently released Axios Harris Poll 100 study (which is the 21st annual edition of The Harris Poll’s annual RQ study).
This On-Demand Webcast is Complimentary.