Whether marketers intend it or not, consumers are using brands to signal their identities and desired belonging to certain sub-cultures. Just think of someone riding a Harley Davidson versus someone else on an e-Vespa, or someone shopping at Walmart versus Trader Joe’s. We are likely to perceive them differently, associate them with different tribes—just for knowing about this one brand choice.
If that is so, then marketers who understand culture will have a competitive advantage in being able to steer their brands towards an intended social and cultural significance versus others that are being assigned their role—or worse, that are culturally insignificant.
In this webcast we will review how:
For this discussion, JP Kuehlwein will be joined by Dr. Anastasia Karklina Gabriel, senior insights lead at Reddit, cultural theorist, author of Cultural Intelligence for Marketers, and previously consultant to many of the world's top brands at agencies like DentsuCreative, McCann and others. And by Dr. Marcus Collins, Clinical Professor at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, author of the best-selling book, For The Culture, which examines the relationship between culture and human behavior and previously head of strategy at Wieden+Kennedy, New York, music and tech startup co-founder and head of digital strategy for Beyoncé.
Be culturally curious and build your brand building excellence—Join our discussion!
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