Ed Colby

Managing Partner InnovationOne

Ed Colby True
Ed Colby

Ed Colby

Managing Partner

Most organizations fail to fully utilize the innovative creativity and productive potential capacity of their workforce, thereby reducing the return on their investment in people. I help build higher-performing workforces and organizations by helping organizations actualize the adage:PEOPLE ARE OUR GREATEST ASSET!” I help organizations do this by optimizing the intersection and effectiveness of people, process, technology, and information...i.e., helping organizations get the greatest return on their investment in each of these assets; leading to long-term, sustainable competitive success.

I have been both a student and educator of innovation, management, and technology; with a unique blend of 20 years as a practitioner leader, and almost 20 years as an external management consultant. I’ve held executive leadership roles in: human capital management, workforce management, and operational management consulting; value analysis; systems and application design, development, and implementation, and; product and solutions marketing. I’ve led many large-scale systems and operations transformation and implementation engagements at Fortune 500 organizations. I’ve also experienced the “excitement” and enthusiasm of helping birth three high-tech start-up organizations, as well as helped sustain the growth of two global technology market leaders.